The craziness of the holidays got in the way of being able to run as much as I would have liked. I ran last Saturday at my parent's house, which was a nice change of scenery. I'm not sure if it was the weather, my body lethargic from food and travel, or just pure unconscious somatization of my feelings of being at home with my family (yes, I just went psychoanalytic on you) that made that run the most awful run, but I felt like my legs were 50 pound weights that were hard to carry. I felt like I couldn't move and I could have fallen asleep while running. I'm not kidding, it was that bad. So after my run I spent the rest of the day with my family and then came home and slept amazing in my own bed after 3 days away from it. It made me realize I am officially a "grown-up" because I love my "own" bed, not sleeping at my parent's house anymore...I'm a big girl now!!
So I skipped workout yesterday because 6:00 am came to early, and then I dealt with some crazy people at work and didn't want to do anything but drink wine and sit by the fire last night. I woke up this morning and thought...mmmm....gonna go back to bed. So after my longest day EVER I came home and decided to run. By this time, the temperature has dropped to somewhere between 38 and 42 degrees and it is raining. Off to the treadmill I go! I dread running on that stupid do people do it everyday? So I put on my music and tried not to feel like a hamster. I was the only one in the workout room...looking at myself in the mirror in front of me, no TV...nothing. Of course the oldest treadmill available is in our workout room, so I get to watch the red arrows move around the track in front of my face as I trot in place and have nothing but myself to look at. I hate those stupid red arrows...why don't they move any faster?? In the middle of my run, my fiance texts me about dinner. Have you ever tried texting while running...or while running on a treadmill? Don't! I couldn't even see what I was typing because I couldn't figure out how to keep my hand still enough while running to see the screen. Can I say "nauseating?" Ugh, it was the worst!
So to motivate myself towards the end of my run (and to try and make the red arrows move faster), I decided to try and finish my 3 miles in under 28 minutes. On the last lap, I notice that the arrows aren't moving any faster, even though I increased my for the last quarter of a lap, I was all out sprinting on a treadmill trying to beat the clock with the red arrows. I didn't do it, I finished in 28:03. Pissed, about to vomit, and dizzy from running on the treadmill...I walk out of the steaming 80 degree workout room in spandex and a sweaty t-shirt into the drizzling rain and 38 degree weather back to my apartment. Recipe for a cold, anyone?
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