Friday, November 13, 2009

"Professional Runners"

Thursday may become my new favorite day since it is my day off. That means I get to sleep in, until 8:00 am. Now that makes me feel a bit old, to think that "sleeping in" means 8:00 in the morning...Anyway...

Today on my run I noticed that at 6:00 am there are a couple of types of people that are out and about (excluding those that are one their way to work). There are the people out in their P.J's that are up walking their dogs (which is the exact reason I have cats) and then there are the people that are up to exercise. Now these people fall into their own sub-categories. The "walkers" who are generally of an older generation and I have to say admirable as they power walk along -- often moving faster than I do when I run. There are the "professional runners" and then there are people like me...the ones that are in between.

Now these "professional runners" are of a different sort. They are the people who LOVE to run, who have all the 'gear' and they run along at an ungodly pace probably already 150 miles into their morning run. They are also the people who pass by you with a big grin and say "good morning, how are you?" as they whiz on by. The problem is, while I appreciate their friendliness and feel like they are including me as part of the crew, I'm relatively early in my training and um...can barely breath. Therefore, I can't respond. So I feel rude. So, for you professional runners, I'm sorry if I don't respond to your inquires, and please don't take my attempt to smile as some sort of sneer. I don't hate you, in fact, I want to BE you. Hopefully, by March 7, 2010 I'll be a member of your 6:00 am -- I love to run -- happy club. Until then, thanks for understanding.


P.S. Hello Fall! Welcome to Florida! Its nice to finally see you. Please come in, make yourself at home, and stay a while...a while being more than 1 week.

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