Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Prodigal [Daughter] Returns.

So, the month of December was not good for my training considering I might have ran twice in the last 30 days...might! Now, its a new year, so its time for a new start. I don't do the whole "New Years Resolution" thing since there is a low success rate for those. However, I will concede that January 1 is a nice clean starting point for things. So is Sunday, January 3. With that in mind, I managed to get to the gym today. I'm not saying that I did much of anything, but getting into gym clothes and getting there was enough to remind me that I actually like the gym and like working out. It wakes me up, makes me feel good during the day, and makes me sleep well at night. So time to get back in the routine of morning runs and gym time. I've managed to pick up a gym partner over the last few weeks, so hopefully he'll help me get out of bed at 5:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, because that, my friends, may take a miracle. It time to get my butt into gear or I'm never going to be able to finish the race that is in less than 60 days. So, its a New Year and the perfect time for better habits...however, I REFUSE to think of it as a damn "new years resolution." Now, if someone could please teach me how to turn my water into wine...I'd have a much better time at the gym...


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